Saturday, November 10, 2012

FLAMING SWORD of DEATH!!! or why I love elementalists.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to give a heartfelt thanks to our brothers and sisters of the elemental persuasion.  I know they wear few articles of clothing, something about keeping in tune with their elemental nature or some hippie stuff like that, and sometimes they smell like burnt fur - sorry charr bros, its true and by Smolders left eye it stinks!  And it is funny to see a flaming lettuce head running for the water.  Why doesn't he just "attune" himself to water and put it out?  I don't know.  But in spite of all that small stuff you all are so important to me.  You know how to treat me right, you know with the combo fields and boons, but there is one thing above all that just really tells me you love me...


To savor the full awesomeness of this picture please click.

You all are AWESOME!!!! Right here bro, c'mon.  Gimme a hug.  I love you man, I do. /sniff.




  1. My apologies if the picture is not epic enough. I just learned Picasa shrinks the resolution. Oh Picasa, why do you so wound my screen shot junkie desires? Why?

  2. As a wiseman once said: "The only thing better than a sword is a flaming sword!". To which I'd add, the only thing better than a flaming sword are two flaming swords!

    Yes, I know, not very feasible but a guy can dream, right?
